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What to do if you suspect your neighbours are subletting

In February, we were invited to the London Regional Panel. They discussed the serious impact of subletting, tenancy fraud and what residents should do if they suspect it.

What’s subletting?

When a resident lets their home without our permission, they’re unlawfully subletting. They often continue to pay rent for the property directly to us, but charge the person they are subletting to, a much higher rate. It isn’t fair to sublet and to profit from a property which could be given to someone in greater need.

Residents aren’t allowed to sublet their home, even on a short term basis, including through channels such as AirBnB or Booking.com. Our tenancy agreement explains the conditions around the use and occupation of our property.

What’s tenancy fraud?

Tenancy fraud can be committed in different ways, but the most common offences are:
• Subletting
• Not being truthful to get a tenancy/ providing false information
• Key selling
• Not living in the property.

Tenancy fraud is not a victimless crime, and there can be serious consequences to innocent people as a result.

Did you know?

• More than 100,000 families are in temporary accommodation because of tenancy fraud
• Every night in England, 310,000 children have to share a bed
because of overcrowding
• The Tenancy Fraud Forum estimates more than 148,000 homes in England are subject to tenancy fraud
• 1 in 20 homes in London are linked to tenancy fraud
• Tenancy fraud is the biggest cost to the public purse at over £900m per year
• Each sublet home costs the tax payer £42,000.

If you'd like to report subletting, or for more guidance, please get in touch. Visit our dedicated web page to find out more.