A beautiful community garden and wildlife area, created by Southern Housing resident, Kim, is helping to draw attention to endangered House Martins and Swifts.
The Coronation Gardens Community Wildlife Garden in Battle provides an oasis of colour and wildlife, much of which has self-seeded. Kim has even successfully changed the climate in her own garden, to make it cooler, by the careful planting of vegetation. The local residents love the colourful and zen grounds and hope they’ll play a part in boosting the number of migratory birds in the UK.
In the spring, endangered House Martins and Swifts return home to breed after travelling 6,000 miles. The birds were added to the UK’s red list of threatened birds last year, declining amid a significant drop in insect numbers, loss of habitat and extreme weather caused by climate change.
The Coronation Gardens Community Wildlife Garden team are keen for Southern Housing to become a lead in installing bird boxes on their new builds, to provide habitats for these now extremely rare birds.