Who needs to complete a Declaration of Interest (DOI)?

Anyone who is employed by Southern Housing (either directly or as a sub-contractor). This includes new starters irrespective of whether a DOI was completed as part of their appointment process.
  • Consultants
  • Agency workers
  • Volunteers
  • Interns
  • Apprentices
  • Governance members
  • Resident Governance members.

What is a conflict of interest?

A ‘conflict of interest’ is any connection or association with a third party that is (or appears to be) against the best interests of Southern Housing. Or which could enable you reasonably to be suspected of using your position within Southern Housing to gain an unfair advantage for or from a third party. For example, if:

  • Someone you are related to/closely connected to applies for a job at Southern Housing
  • You, or someone you are related to/closely connect to applies for a tenancy or a property or a garage owned by Southern Housing
  • You are related to/closely connected to an owner, or are an owner, or a company that supplies goods or services to Southern Housing
  • You are in a relation with a colleague.

Conflicts of interest are best avoided altogether, but conflicts of interest (and potential conflicts) are sometimes unavoidable. You should always disclose and manage the conflicts.

Further information

Before you complete your form, please read the Probity Policy and Code of Conduct.

When filling in the form, you should answer 'yes' where you feel there is an actual, or potential, conflict of interest.

If you have any questions, please email residentscrutiny@southernhousing.org.uk or call your Resident Governance and Scrutiny Officer.

Declaration of Interest

An employment matter *
You must declare if you're working with, both directly or indirectly, any family members or 'close connections'
A business matter *
You must declare if you, or any of your close connections, has a significant shareholding in a company, or partnership, providing services to Southern Housing. You must also let us know if you are 'closely connected' (associated) with one of Southern Housing's suppliers/Contractors (eg. a family member, or employee)
Lender sanctions *
You must declare if you or anyone you are closely connected to is affiliated in any way with any country, territory, person or corporation which is subject to economic, financial and trade sanctions. We are asking you to declare this matter because it is a requirement of our lenders. For example, a family member is employed by an organisation based in one of the countries listed on the sanctions list.
Land or property *
You must declare if you, or anyone you are closely connected to, has significant ownership of land/property in the area of Southern Housing’s operation.
A tenancy or leasehold matter *
You must declare if you, or anyone you are closely connected to, have a tenancy or leasehold agreement with Southern Housing (including garages).
Membership of an organisation or society *
You must not become involved in, or be seen to endorse, any activity that may bring Southern Housing into disrepute. This includes, but is not limited to illegal, immoral, racist or other discriminatory activity. You must also declare if anyone you are closely connected to is a member of an organisation or society that is an actual or potential conflict of interest. In engaging in activities which promote the work of Southern Housing to the outside world, you must demonstrate commitment to Southern Housing and support for its values, policies and objectives.
A position of public responsibility *
You must declare if you, or anyone you are closely connected to, holds a position of public responsibility which conflicts with your role within Southern Housing. For example, if you or anyone you are closely connected with holds the position of a Local Councillor.
Are you the Director of a company which is a potential conflict of interest? *
Are you the Director of any company? *
Do you have any other declarations to make not covered by the other questions? *
I've read and agree to the terms set out below *
I've read and understood the Probity Policy and the allied documents I've read and understood the: Code of Conduct I agree to fully comply with the Probity Policy and Code of Conduct at all times I have fully declared all interests which, or may be perceived to, conflict with my position at Southern Housing The responses I've given to statements in this form are true to the best of my knowledge and belief If there is any change to my circumstances, I understand I am responsible for completing a new Declaration of Interest form and reporting this to the Director of Governance and Regulation I understand that a failure to declare an interest and/or inaccurate completion of this form could be a breach of the Code of Conduct and lead to suspension from the Governance structure I’ll declare any new interests for recording at the beginning of all governance meeting.
Consent for storing submitted data *

Further information

Contact us

If you've a question, please contact us residentscrutiny@southernhousing.org.uk