Our dedicated Tenancy Sustainment Team can help you to:
- Improve quality of life
- Build self-sufficiency
- Refer to internal teams and external agencies for support
- Provide knowledge and access to internal and external funding.
We provide support to those experiencing:
- Risk of eviction due to tenancy breaches
- Hoarding
- Rent arrears
- Overdue compliance checks– for example, gas and electric checks
- Substance abuse issues
- Mental health issues
- Domestic Abuse (DA)
- First tenancy with Southern Housing after leaving care, previously homeless, fleeing DA, or a first-time tenancy holder.
- Multiple and complex needs.
Contact us
If you need support please get in touch and we can discuss how we can assist further.

What is Tenancy Sustainment?
Victoria and Maxine talk to the Southern Housing Podcast about the issues residents are facing, and how they're helping to support those most in need.
Listen now