Unless your tenancy agreement or lease says otherwise, it’s your responsibility to remove pests from your home.
For some pests, you might be able to treat the problem yourself. For other types of pest infestation, you may need professional help.
You can check if your local authority has a pest control service here. Most will charge you for this. It’s best to check their website first as not all local authorities deal with all types of pest. There are also private pest control companies, but their fees are likely to be higher.
Types of pests
You may be able to control mice using traps or poison, which you can usually buy in DIY stores. Always follow the instructions and keep them away from children and pets.
It can be very difficult to get rid of rats yourself, so it’s a good idea to get professional help.
Cockroaches love warm, dark, and humid parts of the home.
They tend to group around pipes, stoves, and sinks and will often stay hidden during the day.
Cockroaches can cause food poisoning and health problems such as asthma and dermatitis.
You could try using an insecticide spray, but you may need expert help to deal with cockroaches. Always follow the instructions when using insecticide and keep it away from children and pets.
Wasps like to make their nests in sheltered spots.
You’re likely to find wasp nests in areas like bushes, lofts, sheds, wall cavities, and under eaves.
It’s dangerous to go near or disturb a wasp nest, so it’s a good idea to get expert help if it needs removing.
When wasps feel threatened they release a chemical to call for help. While being stung by one wasp isn’t usually dangerous, 30 or 40 stings could kill you.
Bees are endangered, and nests should only be removed if they pose a threat to people nearby.
You can contact the British Beekeepers’ Association, who may send someone to remove the nest without killing the bees.
If you find ants in your home, try vacuuming them or using an ant spray or powder.
If you still have a problem, you should seek expert help
Flea bites can be itchy and uncomfortable for you and your pets. They might also pass diseases to your pets.
Prevent and get rid of fleas by regularly using flea treatment for your pets. Speak to your vet for advice on the best products.
If you’ve got an infestation, you’ll need to treat your bedding, furniture, and carpets with a special spray or powder. Get advice from a vet on the best one to use.
Go to the RSPCA website for more advice.
Dust mites live in mattresses and bedding.
They can make your condition worse if you suffer from eczema, asthma, or other breathing problems.
Dust mites like warm and humid environments.
To keep them under control, wash your bedding regularly at 60°C and try to keep your bedroom cool and well ventilated.
Squirrels can cause a lot of damage in the loft or roof space. They can tear away insulation, damage pipes, and chew through cables.
Prevention is better than cure. It’s best to block any holes with wire mesh, and make sure any missing bricks or roof tiles are replaced.
Placing crushed up mothballs around the loft can also help keep them out.
Red squirrels are a legally protected species. This means you’re not allowed to kill, injure, or capture one, or destroy its shelter. Grey squirrels are not protected.
Hide beetles live under cookers or fridges, and feed on food scraps.
They aren't a health risk but can cause damage by boring holes in plaster or wood.
You can deal with hide beetles by cleaning infected areas and treating it with a suitable insecticide.
Carpet moths and carpet beetles damage woollen carpets or rugs in your home.
You can buy ‘killer kits’ to tackle them from pest control companies.
Tiny holes in your clothing could be a sign that you have an infestation of clothes moths, particularly clothes made of wool and silk.
You can buy moth traps and place them in wardrobes and cupboards where you store your clothes.
Wash all your clothes to kill the eggs.
Nesting birds are protected by legislation, so you’ll have to wait for them to leave then block up any holes to stop them coming back.
If you’re blocking up holes or clearing gutters yourself (if it’s your responsibility), make sure you take appropriate care working at height.
Local authorities may not assist with bird control, so seek professional advice if you’re concerned.
It’s illegal to kill or disturb bats in their roosts.
Contact the Bat Conservation Trust for advice.
Silverfish live in damp environments such as bathrooms.
They don't carry a serious health risk, but they can swarm if you don’t deal with them.
Use an insecticide to kill silverfish, and keep kitchen and bathroom cupboards clean and dry to prevent their return.