Our main duties include:
- Regularly inspecting estates and communal areas (e.g. gardens, play areas)
- Grounds maintenance (including grass cutting, weeding, pruning and tree work)
- Cleaning (including floors, windows, stairs, car parks and paths)
- Litter picking
- Undertaking small estate improvements
- Reporting communal repairs found on our inspections.
The services are the same regardless of where you live but how we deliver them can vary from region to region.
You can let us know about any issues in your neighbourhood by reporting them to us.
What should you expect?
Regular inspections are carried out on your estates.
We have quality standards that we check on every inspection.
This includes:
Areas with grass will be cut regularly. All cuttings will be swept from hard surfaces after.
Southern Housing are working hard to improve the biodiversity of our communal grass areas, some of which receive limited or no cutting in an effort to rewild these spaces. These include large areas of open space, steep banks and where we have verges
Read more about biodiversity and green spacesWe’ll maintain flower beds and we’ll renew plants and bedding when needed.
We will make sure that hedges are not overgrown or causing an obstruction.
Roads, paths, alleyways, courtyards, car parks and washing line areas will be swept to keep them free from leaves, litter and overgrown weeds.
At certain times of the year, you can expect a reasonable amount of weeds or leaves to be found naturally on the ground, such as during the summer and autumn seasons.
Overgrown tree shoots and saplings will be cut back and hanging tree branches under 2m will be removed.
Please note, we do not cut back trees for cables to improve light or television signal.
We'll keep external bin areas free from over-spilled rubbish.
This includes litter bins and dog bins in communal areas.
We'll clean the glass on internal and external doors.
We'll sweep entrance steps and make sure they are mopped.
The entrance lobby will be kept free from junk mail and newspapers.
All concrete, vinyl and carpeted floors, staircases and balconies will be cleaned.
This includes mats and mat wells.
Fixtures and fittings such as handrails, banister rails, ledges, furniture and switches will be cleaned and dusted.
Light diffusers, shades and covers will be cleaned and dusted.
Walls and eaves will be cleaned and dusted.
We will always look to remove graffiti and scuff marks where possible.
All internal glass on communal windows will be cleaned.
Frames, sills and ledges will be cleaned and dusted.
All floors, doors, mirrors, panels and frames in lifts will be swept, mopped and kept clean and free from dirt and dust.
If you notice a problem with a lift in your building please contact us.
Read more about liftsWe quickly act on anything we pick up during these inspections. We take our findings to our contractors on a monthly basis. We ask them to address issues of concern and look for ways to improve the service.
Need to report something to us?
You can let us know about any issues in your neighbourhood by reporting them to us.