When I became pregnant, I felt guilty about the time I was having to take off work.
I’ve scans every 4 weeks, midwife every 3 weeks as well as lifestyle consultants, doctors’ checks, blood test and gestational diabetes checks to boot!
At hospital, I would pull out my laptop and work in the waiting room. The rest of the mums-to-be looked at me like I was crazy!
My manager always actively encourages me to relax, to take the time off and that work can wait.

I know, and our policy allows time off for these appointments, but for some reason I feel guilty. I feel bad that my team don’t have me on call for when they need me, that I’m not as actively involved in their cases, and that I’m not at the end of the phone.
The only person making me feel this way is me.
However, what has helped ease the guilt is the overwhelming support from everyone around me at Southern Housing whilst pregnant.
Both my previous manager and my current manager have always gone above and beyond to check in with me, making sure I’m managing both physically and mentally. Making sure I’m getting rest and meeting all my antenatal appointments. My peers have also been the same and have been so encouraging, and the team that I manage have been nothing but supportive and caring.
It’s that ‘letting the team down’ mentality that no one is putting on me but myself. It’s trying to do that bit more, to be a superhuman and pretend that the pregnancy isn’t affecting me, when really, sometimes we just need to relax every now and again.
I'm not sure where this has come from, and I’m not coming here with any answers it just an exploration of how I felt and if anyone else feels like this, please know you’re not alone.
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